You’ll want to shrink but you’ll always be called to Expand

I know you’ve found a home of sorts

in a cold, dingy cave somewhere:

somewhere devoid of life and nourishment,

somewhere where you teach yourself to breathe cautiously and

not more than n breaths per day.

This is where you live with all your fears (they call on you like your best of friends, no?)

They come over and regale you with stories

of you being inadequate and never-quite-enough.

You yearn for some warmth, some ray of light, some semblance of comfort, and air-

oh! how you yearn to breathe fully and deeply with every molecule of your Being.

But you’ve become too comfortable in this supposed home

There are all these friends you’d hate to leave behind.

And yes you want those things but what about

the uncharted, unknown territory where they lie?

So you stay and shut your soul up, quieting it down for the 100th time.

But you know what’s gonna happen one day?

The cold will get worse, the stories will get too much

and then you’ll care not for what your concerned friends will say to you.

You’ll only want the Light.

You’ll only want the Light and you’ll want it more than anything else.

And that is when you’ll stamp your feet, grind your teeth, square your shoulders and say:

‘This is not where i am meant to be at’

And you’ll know the Light is your home.

You’ll know that is where you fit,

and you’ll give up this futile struggle to carve a place

You’ll allow in your greatness.

You’ll say yes to your potential.

And the dark cave behind will let out a sigh, calling you back to shrink

But you’ll walk forward to expand.

Expand. Expand. Expand.

To walk forward and never look back,

to walk forward and be

the brightest, fiercest swirling galaxy you’ve ever seen.

15 thoughts on “You’ll want to shrink but you’ll always be called to Expand

  1. Its really inspiring and i can’t find any words to express my happiness … my little girl has grown so big God bless.


  2. Hi Esha. This is Shivansh from IISER.
    Brilliant work on this poem. A work one would like to read after a rough day, or even in times of solitude.

    Hope to read more such writings!


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